Training Sick

In most case scenarios training while you are sick can exacerbate an already compromised immune system.   It might be a bit hard to find a good study on the topic, but Web Md would suggest that if you have a temperature of 101 it might be best to wait it out.

In the case that you are getting sick one suggestion comes to mind don’t do sets to failure.  However doing 10-12 sets of sub maximal singles will have limited impact on the endocrine system.   I think the best bet is not raising cortisol levels any further than they currently are elevated and getting good sleep.   As far as lifts go I wouldn’t do any much extra outside of a minimal warm up and minimal amounts of ancillary work.  I might also suggest to increasing frequency of training if you are only training 3 times a week.  It may take 2 weeks, but you will be able to hit the ground running and work to rebuild cumulative volume.  Some studies do indicate that time off is beneficial so that is always an option, however age and experience seems to demonstrate too little volume and inadequate nutrition can be a deadly combination when we’re trying to at best maintain gainz.

Another way to look at it is to review previous weeks volume in relationship to tonnage.  Lowering  the volume to about 30-40% of what it was along with decreasing your workout time to about 30-45 minutes will likely not be too taxing and allow you to recover.   Think of training sick as a deload to avoid frustration and stay the course.


Revolving Resolving Door or Failing to Plan, Planning to Fail

So you started a New Year’s resolution and you’re sore in a good/bad way.  Congratulations! You just introduced yourself to critical volume, or the amount of micro-trauma required to tear down the ole contractile fibers known as skeletal muscle. The question is : Will you continue on your journey towards that great light at the end of the tunnel of your  goals, or will you fail like so many have in the past??????????? Only time will tell.

A couple of things to consider.  Do you:

  1. Have an exercise regimen that you will stick to for 6-8 weeks?
  2. Have a routine as part of your plan by waking up 45 minutes early or preplanning meals
  3. Have a progression and sub goals like a handstand, a chin up, or 10 pushups
  4. Have an accountability partner,  gym buddy, or personal trainer?

Will you:

  1. Assess your progress,week to week strength gains, body fat loss?
  2. Get better at counting calories and macro nutrients?
  3. Start hanging out with your healthier friends ?
  4. Go to bed and achieve 7-8hours of quality sleep a night?
  5. Document your routine via training journal, food journal and before/after pictures

*when or if you get sick, stick to the routine but change the plan  **goals are relative to your current capacity for volume and strength level

Soreness will fade when your body adapts to the volume of work.  A better question is when you get  to your goal, what will you do after that?

Where to start-