Rough Drafts and You 2.0


self made

In various instances in my life I have started projects only to leave them unfinished.   In my earlier days I had it decided that this was some type of curse and a great failing of mine.  I have a multitude of things I want to tackle, but limited time or limited resources or a type of writer’s block that stands in the way of completion.   This is still a failing of mine though it does not upset me as once it did.  I picture the sand man coming to life out of sand or the picture above.

The conclusion that I have come to is that it is better to fail at a lot of things, but not to repeat the previous mistakes.  Though, a more cathartic conclusion I have come to is that perfection is unattainable for us mortals.  However over time I can make things better and more complete if I keep building on what I currently have and know and chip away at old imperfections.   I can see this in books when they print a new edition of the same thing or in software when they try to make things better more functional and user-friendly.    This is why I have adopted 1.0 or Beta in many of my programs as I can update them depending on the feedback, and I modify them to suite the individual so they are more user friendly.  After all there is no perfect program there is only optimal variations differentiated by the user for desired results.


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