Desk Jockey 1.0

In many instances the body tends to adopt certain postures in order to become more efficient in a posture. An example of this is the body accommodating to an internally rotated posture behind a desk.  Individuals often demonstrate a dominant lower body side and a non-dominant side. In my experience in sport it is not uncommon to see the non-dominant side to develop certain proclivities towards injury. Although this observation is anecdotal, injury seems to chose the path or least resistance where a certain number of my injuries creep up. The skeletal structure tries to reinforce these postures that we adopt to compensate for muscular deficiencies and asymmetry. In my case My dominant leg is my right leg and and all the injuries tend to occur on my left side.

Below is a video that deals with an asymmetry of the SI joint.  Dr Jo’s instruction are helpful demonstrating a protocol to reset the joint.  In my opinion there is a relationship to the side of knee and or, hip, and back discomfort that is demonstrated from an asymmetric anterior hip rotation.  In my case it is more prominent on my non dominant side.  Following the video I have a modification of my own as far as a routine.  She reference posterior hip rotation, anterior hip rotation or lordosis is often what you will see in people that chronically  slouch a their desk.  This often comes about from the shortened range of the hipflexor and other muscle length conformities to posture.  In the case of anterior hip rotation it would be beneficial to push the anteriorly rotated side into the ground and the posteriorly rotated side into your hand.

Below is a routine to help address this specific asymmetry

O Exercise Sets Reps R I Tempo
A1 Glute Bridge 3 10-12 60sec 2011
B1  Push/Pull 3 1(3-5 sec) 30sec 5
C1 Ball Adduction 3 1(3-5 sec) 30sec 5
D1 Split Squat 3 6-8 60 sec  3110
D2 Single Glute Bridge 3 6-8 60 sec 2011
E1 Compound Movement Squat Variations or Deadlift 3 10-12 90 sec 4010


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